Saturday, February 13, 2010

"All over the world"

Haven't read any out of the New Testament in quite a while, and thought i'd start reading in Romans today. The thing i love about reading the New Testament is that you can't read very far without coming across those things that move us, challenge us, or encourage us in our walk to be come fully devoted disciples after our Lord Jesus. My reading today was no different; couldn't even make it past verse 8 of Romans chapter 1:
First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.
As I read this, Matt Redman's song "all over the world" came to mind (, and made me think: Would Paul say this of us if he were writing to us today? Sure, there are many churches that might have this reputation: HillSong,, etc. But what does YOUR world say about your faith in Jesus Christ? Your neighbors? Your co-workers? Your family and friends?
Hear me clearly: the point is not to make our faith famous, but to make Jesus famous. And the question the world is begging us to answer is this: what difference does Jesus make if he makes no difference in the lives of those that profess to follow him?
Our answer to this question can be nothing short of this: a life fully submitted to the lordship of Jesus through faith (active-trust). People may not beleive what you say, but they will always beleive what you do.
My prayer is that each of you who read this would be stirred by the Holy Spirit to consider the opportunity, our resonable response to the Gosple, to be the salt and light He has called us to be, for His namesake, all over the world.