Wednesday, January 14, 2009

turning into my parents...

that's pretty embarassing (sorry mom and dad). just realizing that i am a couple of years behind the curve with communication technology. i now have accounts on twitter and facebook, but have no idea how to use the stupid things. not the least bit frustrated by it... oh well. i guess i understand how my parents feel when i try to explain blogging or text messaging. hopefully, one of you web ninjas can take me into you dojo and edumacate me on how to use this stuff. is anybody like me out there, or am i the last one between 20 and 30 years old who isn't connected?? Speak up!


Anonymous said...

You know I'll always be around to help...just let me know when I can.

Chris P.

Casey said...

Did I hear this somewhere before?

Anonymous said...

yeah, you're a bit late on this end...just saying.
